Learn to Play Dungeons & Dragons!

Post by Elliott and Kim, Information Services staff

What is Dungeons & Dragons?

Maybe you’ve heard of a strange and mythical game involving many sided dice and fighting monsters. You’re intrigued but don’t know where to start. Never fear! This is your guide to getting started with the popular role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.

A gif from stranger things. Mike Wheeler stands in a field just after dusk with a treeline visible behind. The text on the screen reads "Maybe tomorrow we can play D&D?"

Dungeons & Dragons, also known as D&D, is a shared storytelling experience often referred to as a Role-Playing Game (RPG). One person takes on the role of the Dungeon Master (DM) and guides the players through the game.

The game can take place in any world or setting you can imagine. Typically, games take place in fantasy realms filled with magic and monsters. Characters can play as a variety of fantasy races and have abilities such as speaking with animals, being exceptionally skilled with a sword, or calling lightning from the sky to strike their enemies.

Watch this video to learn more about Dungeons & Dragons and why it might be just the game for you.

How does it work?

To play Dungeons & Dragons, you need someone to fill the role of the Dungeon Master and any number of players. (3-6 players is recommended, but can be smaller or larger depending on the type of game you are playing.)

Players decide what they would like their character to do and the DM will tell them what happens. Dice rolls are used to determine whether an action is successful, kind of works, or fails altogether. As a player, your imagination is the limit to what you can try and do in the world of D&D. As the DM, your job is to use the rules of the game to narrate the outcome of players’ choices.

A cast member from the live action D&D podcast critical role is speaking. The text reads "We have to murder and eat our opponents. It's the only way out".

Helpful Links to Learn More About Getting Started

A gif that reads "Rogue/Cleric". It is a grey cat that taps a persons arm with it's paw. When this happens text reads "cure wounds +15 HP". The cat then bites the arm and text reads "sneak attack -15 HP"

What materials do I need to play?

While there are many items you can buy to use in your Dungeons & Dragons game, all you need to play is the basic rules linked above, pen and paper or a laptop to keep track of maps and storylines, a set of dice (or virtual dice!) and your imagination.

If you are planning on playing online, Roll 20 is a great online platform that will allow you to play with your friends virtually.

How can I find or start a game?

There are several ways to get involved in a Dungeons & Dragons game. Some options include:

  • Gather a group of friends and start a game yourself! This option is best for someone who wants to try out being the Dungeon Master for a group of friends.
  • Look online for groups that are accepting new members. This option is best if you don’t mind meeting new people and want to jump into a game as a player.
  • Come play with us at Kitchener Public Library! We will be running virtual Dungeons & Dragons programming through the summer and fall. Check our calendar for upcoming D&D events.

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